Many federal agencies are struggling with security concerns when it comes to intelligent automation (IA) and robotic process automation (RPA) bot identity access management, or “IAM.” First, it’s important to understand that a bot is simply a software process that adheres to your existing IT security requirements. Second, bot credentialing and IAM may sound complicated but BRMi’s RPA-solutions-delivery experts can walk you through IAM requirements for compliant solutions.
OMB recently tackled the bot IAM issue in a memorandum (M-19-17), Enabling Mission Delivery through Improved Identity, Credential, and Access Management. In short, (1) a bot should be registered to a human sponsor for accountability and share that human’s credentials; (2) bots’ security certificates should properly reflect the attributes of an NPE, or “non-person entity,” so there is a record of activity; and (3) bots need to be uniquely identifiable as a bot, not to be confused with other software or equipment.
BRMi understands bot IAM requirements, evolving automation security needs, and compliance. Let us help your organization navigate automation security so you can gain the benefits of automation today.