Executing automation successfully calls for cultural alignment driven by the right team. There are several key factors: business process understanding; an inventory of the characteristics of the people impacted by the changes; a thorough understanding of the organization; and impactful, incremental adoption.

The “right team” is well rounded, bringing together technical, process management, and communication skills to press forward on automation initiatives. The team needs to be able to engage in deep process introspection and to help identify “tribal” knowledge and build trust.

Too often, it is a poor investment to stand up significant centers of excellence and establish governance until the expected return on investment is defined, champions are crowned, and budgets are committed. It is equally important that the initial targets of any automation initiative be processes that have real mission impact. The more impactful the process—impact being defined as core to the mission and or significantly material savings—the more the organization will embrace the notion of automation first.

Adoption is accelerated when incremental funding for initial use cases helps to scope broader initiatives and be practical. Moreover, the smaller success of pilot projects and initial efforts builds enthusiasm for being in the “in crowd.” Automation is democratized when tools and education are available to all.

A culture of intrapreneurship may be built using a performance-based model. Award bonuses internally or structure funding of contractors on outcomes.

BRMi understands both automation technology and process. Our approach is process led and technology enabled. Talk to us about automation as part of your business process optimization agenda.