Mr. Hamid and His Daughter

During the month of May, we are celebrating Mother’s Day (and all parents/guardians) by highlighting our employees with children and supporting the Greater DC Diaper Bank with donations from our team. So far this month, BRMi has raised enough money to supply 29 infants with diapers for a month! This week we highlight BRMi’s Soheib Hamid.

He says, “Don’t underestimate your children (they know/see everything you know/do). Leader, mentor, friend, and partner are some of the words that I associate with the term parent! I think of the relationship between parent and child, such as the one between a pitcher (parent) and a glass (child). Your perspective is the most critical aspect (half empty or half full) – and so based on that, you get back what you put in. A thirst-quenching, refreshing beverage (if engaged).”