Intelligent automation, or “IA,” may have you at a decision crossroads: which tasks do you automate? Most organizations use business drivers like process inefficiencies and potential cost savings in their decision-making process. Capturing metrics to analyze these criteria can be a difficult and long process. It doesn’t have to be.

Our process scorecard results are reusable so you can launch other projects.

BRMi’s mature, Agile-based pivotalF4® service delivery framework allows rapid identification of those areas where improvements will provide the most value. Our template-based questionnaire captures key information about potential improvement targets and our scoring rubric plots candidate tasks/processes on a scorecard for easy review. Candidates are scored in two categories: (1) ease to automate and (2) perceived or anticipated benefits. The BRMi process scorecard is a key decision component for effectively using IA to streamline your services.

Contact us at [email protected] to find out more.